Mar 3, 2009


I'm kind of a freak of nature. Have a certain flow to my days. A rhythm, a way I go about doing things. I like to wake up at a certain time, at which point I like to clean and then shower and then wake Emily up and get her ready. I haven't been able to wake up lately. At all. My ideal time is 4:45. I've been averaging about 5:30. To some of you, that may seem disgustingly early. To me, it is not. I like to wake up and get things done and have time to actually wake up. I've said it many times in this blog and I'm likely to say it many more: I am not a morning person. If I don't have time to wake up, it's hard for me to be nice to the people that I need to be nice to. ANYway.

I read two newspapers a day . (Does anybody else still read the paper? You know, that delectable delight of the printed word, words printed on that stuff, that paper that makes your fingertips dirty? The kind of paper that's a pain in the ass to fold and would probably be better formatted as a magazine? Yes, those almost obsolete things, these newspapers, are a part of my daily routine. My grandpa used to read the paper every day and in high school I got in the habit of buying the Sun-Times every day while I waited for the bus. I credit him with my insane need of information.) I read through my local one and then a copy of USA Today. I'm always done with them by a certain time, and I read them in a certain order that always ends with Sudoku.

Granted, I supplement my reading with copious .com usage (primarily CNN and the Chicago Sun-Times, sometimes with some Wall Street Journal and some Chicago Tribune), but I still love the paper. I also regularly read Newsweek and Time, Glamour, Us Weekly and Vogue. I've even been known to buy the O magazine and I often flip through some of the ones about How To Decorate Your Home to Most Accurately Represent Every Other House On Your Block. With this, I try to read two new books a week, although lately that's been on hiatus because my book-buying money is gone. Needless to say, I read a lot.

Today I didn't get it done in the time I normally do. And I flipped out. Honestly, does it make any difference? No, not at all. But I seriously take a certain amount of time to read the papers, a certain amount of time to check on the blogs I read every day and a certain amount of time I spend reading other books, and I didn't realize it had gotten so regimented until today. I was two hours behind and it was freeing. Pathetic, I know. But I'm kind of a nerd.

(I sat down to type this and I'm not by my computer so I'm typing on my phone via bluetooth pocket keyboard. I was happily typing along without looking when I decided to check on this entry and I remembered that my batteries were dying the last time I used it. So I flipped out, bought new batteries, and here I am, although I've lost about half of this entry.)

I like to think I'm pretty informed. I wish I had the money to be a stay-at-home-mom so I could just play with my baby and blog all day long but, alas, my world is a different one.

I don't remember where I was going with this post, at all. I have no idea. Just that right now my head is so full of injustice and rage at some of the things in our newspapers today (and I can't do HTML links from my phone, so unfortunately I can't link to it), and last week, and the last eight years that I feel all cloudy.

I hate ending things. Ask any of my teachers and they will tell you "Melissa doesn't know how to conclude." So I've just gotten in to the habit of stopping the typing.

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