Mar 26, 2009

When Real Life Takes Over

I have so many posts that are stored in my head. So many stories, little snippets of thought and things I've been thinking about and all these things are bouncing around in my skull, careening off each other.

I'm sitting in a waiting room right now at a hospital in Scottsdale. My phone is plugged in to the wall and my head is pounding. My mom had a consultation with an oncologist yesterday and then so quickly, so quickly The Girlfriend is hugging me and there are tears and we're in the truck and driving south and she left this morning to go back to work and here I am, right back to the beginning of this post: I'm sitting in a waiting room right now at a hospital in Scottsdale. My mom has been in surgery for over two hours and still has at least an hour left. I am tired. I am scared.

Internet, I'll be back soon.


  1. I've been sort of hesitant to read/comment, but with all the bulletins I figure this time it is ok. I love your blog. I laugh out loud picturing Emmy acting the way you describe her. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I have been there as well, each of my mom's surgeries is usually around 8 hours and I know the wait can be maddening. I'm hoping for a good outcome for you all. May I ask what kind of cancer it is? There never really seems to be any great words of comfort but I'm sending you a hug and well-wishes. Hang in there!

  2. Don't ever be hesitant to comment! Thank you for reading. And thank you for the kinds words for my mom. I'm sorry that you can relate.

    And seriously, always comment! I love reading what people have to say.
