Mar 28, 2009

Trying To Find Words

My mom came out of surgery. She's doing well, but will be starting treatment soon. Chemo. That word terrifies me.

She calls her home La Casa Pateeta. So I'm going to stick with that. Here at La Casa Pateeta I am staying with my twelve year old Hulk of a brother and with Emily. Emily has been a mess of tantrums and tears, a mixture of being spoiled rotten by every family member that gets within two feet of her and being completely confused about why we're not home, why we're at Grandma's house and not school, and why the hell Grandma isn't here because, um, mom? When we're at Grandma's house there're supposed to be multitudes of fruit snacks and other general teeth-rotting foods and why aren't there?

Her whole world is upside down right now, and honestly, so is mine. Apparently at daycare they sing songs ALL DAY LONG because Emily is requesting constant singing. I didn't bring enough clothes with us as I was madly rushing out the door to get here, and we're both allergic to my mom's laundry soap, so we both have little red bumps covering the entirety of our bodies. My mom has this beast of a dog, Chongo, who I am also wicked allergic to and therefore I am just miserable in every physical aspect. I also started my period while my mom was still in surgery.

I have no idea what normal protocal is with a twelve year old, and am just trying to maintain some sense of normalcy in his life while trying to do the same foe Emily and in the mean time, The Girlfriend is stuck finishing the move all by herself and I'm scared I'm going to come home to a room entirely decorated to a Coors Light theme. On top of all of this the hospital won't talk to me but asked that I not bring the kids in until later today, so I have no clue what's happening there and I'm worried, and scared, and I have to go home tomorrow because I HAVE to be at work on Monday.

I'm exhausted, worried, allergic and will go insanse if I have to sing the I Love You song one more fucking time and Emily just stepped on the dog and he barked at her and now she's terrified. I'm updating from my phone and my thumbs hurt. I can't wait for real life to return to normal, so my internet life can resume.

I know it's terribly obvious, but I have become very grateful in the last few days for all the good things in my life. I can't wait for my mom to beat this.

Duty calls.

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