Apr 10, 2009


Finally. Friday. These last couple weeks have been so hectic with my mom, moving in with The Girlfriend, trying to help Emily adjust, the horrible news every single day in the papers, a small paycheck, etc. etc. etc... I'm thrilled that it's finally Friday.

The Girlfriend's brother showed up with his friend and we're hanging out. Later, we're playing drunk Monopoly with the Awesome Neighbors and a couple of my friends. (You don't know how to play drnk Monopoly? Well, basically, every time you pass Go, go to jail, pay any income or other tax, pick up a community chest or chance card, roll doubles or land on free parking, you drink. Every time you get a Monopoly, you kiss.) I'm pretty excited to have friends coming over to play because usually it's The Girlfriend and I playing and one of two things happens: 1) We both end up owning half of the board each, so just go in circles paying eachother money until we give up or 2) One of us just KILLS the other and we make up stories about why we shouldn't have to pay rent. Either way, I'm excited to have company to join us, and there's no better company than the Awesome Neighbors.

Speaking of neighbors, the person in the apartment to the left of us vacuums EVERY SINGLE NIGHT at 9:30pm, on the dot. Every night. Without fail. Why? Why at 9:30? I don't understand.

Anyway, I should probably go be social.

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