Apr 28, 2009

Baby Fever.

(Note: The title has nothing to do with the post.)

Emmy, sitting in her car seat on the way home from daycare: Mommy, will you make me another CD?

Me: Of course I will. What do you want on it?

Emmy: Um, the No One* song, the Faster Disaster** song, um, more Hannah and um, Spiderman songs and um, um, CINDERELLA SONGS! Yeah. Cinderella songs. And the spider song, too.

Me: For sure, baby. It'll have to wait for this weekend though.

Emmy: Ok.

*No One, Alicia Keys
**I Run To You, Lady Antebellum

I love that her musical taste is broad. The CD in her stereo right now has some oldies, some devil incarnate Hannah Montana, some Judy Garland, Julie Andrews and a couple covers. Nothing too cool, but beyond the average kid CD. So this one I'm going to add some stuff she's never heard. I'm so excited to watch her taste develop and grow. We'll be driving and she has clear and distinct likes and dislikes. Journey? "Turn it up!" Kanye West? "I like this song, Mommy!"

I think the next CD I make her, after this one, is going to be indie stuff. It has to be fast for her though. She likes stuff she can dance to.



  1. The first DITL I saw of yours was Emily dancing before she went to bed. Now Sebastian dances every time he hears at least two drum beats. It practically takes over his soul, he just can't help it! So cute! :)


  2. good to know my child isn't the only one who loves hannah montana at this age! i'd like to think she's balances it out though- she also likes metro station,3oh!3 and katy perry....and of course fall out boy.
