Apr 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

And here we are. Emily got gypped on her Easter basket this year.

Last Monday she deliberately stole the last piece of special champaigne-flavored chocoloate that The Girlfriend got me for our anniversary. DELIBERATELY. She then hid on the couch eating it, and lied when I asked her what she was doing. I was pissed. (And the conversation about appropriate anger is not one I wish to have right now, thank you very much.) So Emily got banned from all sweets, snacks, juices, etc. Now, she doesn't eat many sweets, but she does get the occasional m&m when The Girlfriend is eating them, and I'm positive that The Girlfriend sneaks her candy when I'm not looking. So the real punishment was that The Girlfriend wouldn't have to share.

I was torn with the Easter thing. Do I break punishment for it? Do I be cruel and not let her have anything? She's three, would she really know? I decided not to break punishment but to go easy with it. She got a very small basket that will later be used to store her ten CDs and it had two chocolate bunnies, some jelly beans and some chalk. And wouldn't you know it, she's THRILLED. So I learned a valuable lesson today that I don't need to overdo things. She's still at that age where it's ok to just enjoy the simple, little things.

Happy Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Um . . . Add Somewhere over the rainbow

    Break the punishment for Easter.

    Tell her what Easter means to Chirstians.

    Keep writing!
