Apr 18, 2009

And, While I'm Reading Other Things,

One of my least favorite things to read on parenting forums is "as per my internet research." As in "I'm sure my child has Budd Chiari Syndromw as per my internet research," or "I'm almost positive that I have lymphoma based on my internet research," or "I'm TOTALLY POSITIVE that anything containing anything plastic at all whatsoever is equal to poison as per my internet research."

First, I'm not a big fan of the phrasr "as per," as it just sounds weird to me. Secondly, zomg google is not your friend when there is something wrong. By all means, if your instincts are screaming at you that this stomach ache is more than a normal stomach ache, take yourself or your child to the doctor. Or if you or your child have some sort of history of health problems that necessitates things being checked that may be relatively minor things in other people, please GO TO THE DOCTOR. But really, if your child has a fever and a small tummyache that gets better when they poop, it's PROBABLY NOT BUDD CHIARI SYNDROME (a syndrome I found by plugging in some syndromes on WebMD (achy stomach, gradual onset, better with pooping, etc...) and that came up on the list.

Now, I'm not entirely guilt free when it comes to Google. I definitely researched soem thigns having to do with ovarian cancer, and I always research things because I like to be informed. However, I'm also rational. If Emmy's stomach hurts, it's most likely attributed to something having to do with poop or too much of one type of food. That's not the kind of thing I would research.

I don't have a conclusion to this post, because I suck at conclusions.

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