Jul 22, 2009

On Randomness.

Yesterday, there was no cell phone picture of the day. I had an unusually long day at work and then had to come home and write for three hours. So, there wasn't really time.

Now, Tuesday is usually reserved in this house for BAWT. Beer After Work Tuesday. Yesterday though, it couldn't happen because of the aforementioned working late. I got home and my legs hurt, and I was tired, and I was hot, and my face has been super oily lately? Which I don't understand. And on the stove was an order of potato skins from the bar The Girlfriend and I go to. IT WAS AWESOME.

Not awesome in the sense that I'm working on losing weight, and I've been succeeding, and so the potato skins probably didn't do much for that effort, but awesome in the sense that The Girlfriend went to the bar just to order them and bring them home for me to try and make my day that much better. It totally worked. She also picked Emily up for me, which was nice. I never get to just go straight home after work. I have to go to the other side of town to pick her up and then go home. Do you know how long it took me to get home? EIGHT GLORIOUS MINUTES. It's usually around a half hour because of traffic. Eight minutes, people. It was beautiful.

So I get home and kiss my girlfriend and hug on my baby girl and then I have a beer (which tasted way too good) and we eat the potato skins while Emily has mac n' cheese and I give the kid a bath and then she goes to sleep and I sit down at my computer: the last place in the world I wanted to be. I wanted to be on my couch, watching TV with The Girlfriend. But, I need to make money and I had a deadline today. So I'm writing and writing and writing and I realize that I just can't wrap my head around things because The Girlfriend is watching this show about a man who decided in his thirties, after he was married and had two kids, that he's really a woman. So he flew to Thailand to get full surgery and came back and was surprised when his heterosexual wife wouldn't have sex with him/her. He changed his name from Ted to Chloe and was surprised when his kids' friends' parents would no longer let their children come over.

It was sad. I can't imagine being born in the wrong body, and I can't imagine it taking that long to figure out. And I'm trying really hard not to be in the audience yelling selfish!selfish! But honestly, a small part of me thinks she was selfish. I mean, the surgery was $70,000. Plus more money. A new wardrobe, makeup, shoes, having to explain it to your kids, having your wife be stuck in a place she doesn't want to be in. I do think that that's selfish. But then I see the other side too, the side where when Chloe was still Ted, he tried to kill himself. Because that's horrible too. So is his wife selfish for wanting him back? For mourning the loss of the man she fell in love with? I don't know. I think that's a hard situation.

I just realized it's 5:36am. Have to go!

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