Jun 18, 2009


The people in charge in Arizona are voting on making smoking illegal if there are any minors in a vehicle. They want to make it a non-moving violation and charge $50 per minor if caught.

I have a lot of thoughts on this, but am curious about others' opinions as well. So, discuss!


  1. I don't think you should be smoking when the kids are in the car, anyway. Is this new law going to include the 16 and 17 year olds who are smoking in their own cars?

  2. So I read your online journal sometimes on here, and I deffinatly think that ban should be put into place.

    I know you're a smoker, but it drives me INSANE when I see kids in the back while their parents are lighting up and the car is smoke filled.

    I couldn't imagine doing that to my child.

    They just passed a smoking ban in Killeen for public places, honestly I couldn't be happier.

    I don't think people should have to suffer because they chose not to smoke. I think people who choose to smoke should have to do it outside.

  3. See, I agree with the idea of tha ban. Smoking's gross and no one who doesn't smoke should be subjected to it.

    But what if they were like, oh, Girlnade, you can't wear flip flops in your vehicle as a matter of public safety. Because it's safer to drive in closed toe shoes. Isn't that your decision?

  4. I had to laugh when you used that example, because it is illegal in Germany to frie with open-toed shoes on.

    I do understand what you mean though, like where would it stop? I think the ideal of it only being applied when a minor is in the car is the right approach though.
