Feb 22, 2009

For Fuck's Sake

Emily has the craziest hair. She has a combination of her dad's hair and my hair. His always used to remind me of Cory Matthews' hair, but less curly. My hair is wavy and frizzy when it's natural. Emmy has this dirty blond hair with copper highlights in the summer that just began growing last year. It's straight on the top and curls up in the back. When it's wet, she just has this mess of curls all around her head. I love it. I call her my mad scientist.

I went to get a haircut today. I hacked off about eight inches and it's going to be much simpler to handle now. Then Natalie, my best friend and Emily's Godmother got her hair cut. She didn't change it at all. Just got a trim.

This is a picture of my two best friends in this whole world, Alan and Natalie:

This is one of my favorite pictures of the two of them together in the entire world. It's at one of my favorite bars in Chicago, across the street from my Dad's house. Anyway.

Natalie moved to my town about six months ago with her boyfriend. She told me today that she's moving again, about three hours away. That's totally manageable. Much more manageable than the 2000 miles that have separated us since I moved away three years ago. But still. I got really sad about it. At least she's moving to a place with lots of casinos, and lots of vodka. You can't go wrong with vodka.

We went to eat at The Olive Garden (classy girls that we are), and Emily talks SO MUCH ALL THE TIME OH MY GOD. The entire time was like this:

Me: I know! I can't believe what's going on, and I keep getting all this shit from the guys that come in to my work for voting for Obama...

Emily: Mommy. Mommy. Mommy? Mommy. Mommy, I'm talking.

Me: Emily, you're supposed to say 'excuse me' before interrupting me. Anyway, and then...

Emily: Mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, exCUUUSE ME MOMMY-

Nat: Emily, we're in a restaurant. be quiet.

Emily, with squinty eyes: You're not my best friend Auntie Nat, excuse me, mommy?

Me: Yes Emily. What can I do for you?

Emily: I really like mac n' cheese.

Me:... That's great.

Nat: So (her boyfriend) and I were talking about this political comedy thing-

Emily: Auntie. Excuse me, Auntie?

Nat: Yes Emily.

Emily: Your hair is pretty.

Nat: .... Thank you, Emily.

And so on and so forth. It was ridiculous. I know that this is typical of three year olds, and I am very grateful to be in this stage and to be done with two (because if there was ever a time when I was close to actually throwing Emily out the window, it was her entire second year), but at the same time, for GOD'S SAKE SHUT UP FOR TWO SECONDS.

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