Feb 23, 2010

Is there anything worse than a blogger trying to explain why she has been unable to blog? Life has been outrageous. Some good, some not so good, and this isn't a promise to come back just yet. But take heart, internet, the only reason I am not updating here is because I am living life as presently as possible.

That's good, right?


  1. I think most people who blog -- but not professionally -- have inactive periods. Another person I know recently made a post about a year and half-long hiatus she has taken from her blog, unannounced.

    From time to time I fall out of the blogging habit as well, which tends to be a result of the fact that I either run out of things to say, or out of time in which to say it. Part of why it only happens for a few weeks/months at a time for me is that I tend to blog about things other than my personal life. There'll be whole months where I won't talk about myself or anything that affects me, just because I either deem it inappropriate for the Internet, or because I'm not feeling up to the task of telling everybody what's going on.

    Hope your life, and your ability to write about it, or even something else if you need or want to, takes a turn upward sooner rather than later!

  2. Blogging rule #1....never apologize for not blogging. Jump back on your horse and gallop back on path as soon as you can.....

  3. That's actually one of the best blog posts I've seen in a long time. Says so much!
