Sep 9, 2009

Someday I'll Update For Real

In lieu of real though, here are more snippets:

- Why are all of these people flipping out about Obama's speech to students? Haven't seen it? Look on When I was in 2nd grade, Bill Clinton was in office. We learned about him, Hillary and Chelsea as parts of our social studies/current events classes. We learned about what he was doing and we talked about our thoughts on all of it. We were encouraged to talk with our parents about all of it too. His speech wasn't about promoting socialism, promoting his agenda, or anything like that. It was a message to the students of America, who are grossly irresponsible, ungrateful and entitled, that they need to work and work HARD to get to their goals. If parents in general were talking to their children about this, the President might not have to.

What I was taught is that even if you don't agree with the leader, you respect and support the leader. I think people need to back the fuck off. Actually listen to the words in that speech and then probably follow it themselves. I'll say that honest to everything and anything holy that his speech inspired me. It was a swift kick in the ass to stop bitching about the semester I have, how much I hate it, because even though it doesn't feel important, that these baby steps will help me be who I want to be.

- Emily got moved up a classroom at school. Finally. She is disgustingly smart. And a little OCD. We were in her bedroom and she was lying in bed talking to me before she went to sleep. Tomorrow she's going to The Girlfriend's mom's house for a sleepover and said "Mom, I want to draw you pictures. You like pink and green and um, black?" I said no, I like pink and green and brown. And she says "Oh. OK. Wait! What if there're no crayons? What will I do?" And she flipped out, talking a mile a minute for four minutes before I stopped her and told her not to worry. Funny girl.

That's all for now.

Sep 5, 2009

Some quick pics.

I'm sitting around a fire right now with The Girlfriend, the Awesome Neighbors and all the kids. I wish summer could last a little longer.

Sep 3, 2009


I am supposed to be working right now. The Girlfriend is in class and I have homework and a deadline coming up. However, my mind is just SO FULL. So. We shall do very few small snippets.

- I think the man who slapped the toddler? That yeah, ok, he shouldn't have done it. But for anyone who shops at Walmart? It's like redneck central, at least where I live. There are MILLIONS of children running around shoeless, shirtless and seemingly parentless. It's annoying and wrong. These kids jump in front of your carts, open things up and SCREAM. So, like I said, he shouldn't have done it. I personally think that physically disciplining any child that is not your own is wrong, no matter what. However? I totally understand and sympathize and I think that parents need to be taking WAY more responsibility for their kids' manners, especially in public. Whatever happened to politeness? Teaching our children right from wrong?

- Healthcare? I don't understand the big thing. People should be more important than money, money should be less important than it is, and no one under eighteen, employed or being generally more productive to society than less productive, should have to DIE because they can't afford doctor visits. This one hits home a little too personally for a snippet, but I will write about it later.

- I love dooce. And her washing machine story? I followed it on twitter and people are RIDICULOUS. They also don't know the definition of fairly simple words and they attack and attack and attack. This ties in with snippet one: what happened to manners?

This can all be summed up by what I say more often than anything: The entire world needs to gain a better sense of common decency, common courtesy and common sense. If those three things could be attained? I think it would all be good.

Back to work.